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How Often Should You Wash Your Hair?

How Often Should You Wash Your Hair?

When it comes to washing your hair – two to three times a week is recommended. To find that balance you should take into consideration what the best shampoo is for your hair type and what scalp concerns you may have. For oily scalps, a cleansing shampoo will cleanse and remove excess product build-up and using a deep moisturizing conditioner only on the ends will keep your hair nourished to keep it cleaner for longer. Normal to dry scalp will need a more nourishing shampoo from roots to lengths followed by a conditioner suitable for the lengths. When we’ve asked our Master Stylist and collective.  Expert Marthe Krakeli she highly recommends the Scalp shampoo from Sachajuan, it contains ingredients of Rosemary oil, menthol, salicylic acid, and ginger extract that soothes irritated, rubescent scalp and maintains a healthy moisture to balance the hair and scalp, this will Leave the hair clean with a fresh hair essence.


Keep in mind clean hair will moisturize and promote hair growth and will prevent buildup of germs.